Optimumcut-1D v3 Professional, Standard. Server & Optilib.dll have User Options to select alternative 1D Cutting Linear Optimization Algorithms which resolve the one dimensional 1D Cutting Stock Problem (CSP) in a fast and accurate way. Please find listed below the 1D Stock Cutting Optimization Algorithms available and their functional description.
Optimumcut Optilib v2 Maximise Yield
Optilib v2 Maximise yield. Significant improvements have been made allowing the user to place 'Nil' Cost Values into each Different Stock Length and Re-usable Offcuts. Optilib v2 Maximise Yield will automatically determine the quantities required (Optilib v1 Maximise Yield required the user to specify a cost for each different Stock Length or Re-usable Offcut. The cheapest Length being used first in the optimization working to the most expensive)
Optimumcut Optilib v1 Maximise Yield
Optilib v1 Maximise yield - orders / prioritizes supply lengths by the cheapest stock value (£/m $/ft) and ALWAYS uses the cheapest material first.
This is because the “global industry standard” assumes that stock will consist of a few lengths (If Any) of cheaper offcuts from previous projects and lots of more expensive stock of the same length, bought from the supplier. #Please edit your supply length costings accordingly to establish your maximum yield with minimum waste of your specified supply lengths available.
Optimumcut Optilib v1 Maximise Order
Optilib v1 Maximise order - optimizes and groups together all of the longest cuts consecutively down to the shortest cuts. More waste material will be produced however the project can be cut much quicker.
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